Saturday, May 19


I'm actually in Ghana! The flight went well. The seat next to me was empty so I got to LAY down and sleep. In the customs line I met a group of students from the University of Mississippi. They're staying in Ghana for two months to build churches. The pastor leading the group gave me his email address and phone no. so I could contact him if I had any trouble. I'll probably email him just to see how the mission trip went. He has built FIVE orphanages in Ghana in the last year. I wonder how one goes about doing that :) I also met a man who was a former diplomat for Cameroon. He'd lived in America and was very interesting to talk to. My volunteer organization told me my volunteer coordinator would meet me in baggage claims, but he wasn't there! I looked everywhere but he was standing outside...his name is Benard. He's a funny fellow. I have a hard time understanding his English, but he's nice enough to repeat himself 3+ times. We took a taxi to a hotel. People from Accra are crazy drivers! They don't signal, cut in front of each other all the time, and honk constantly. At stop lights lots of people come over to the car trying to sell bread, fruit, handkerchiefs, and all kinds of things. They stay there when the light turns green as cars drive past at 40-50 mph. Benard says we have to get up @ 5:30 am, so I'm off to bed.


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