Today was a rough day. I feel ill and have a fever and am dizzy. This morning Miracle was still angry at me about her homework. She wouldn't let me have the bucket to fetch water. I don't know what to do when the older children when they misbehave! I don't think time-outs work for 14 year
olds :) I wish I hadn't gotten the bucket because I had to fetch water five times today. I was left alone with all the children today. I felt guilty laying in my bed so I taught them some games that let me sit. I taught them that
totlin game where you sit in a circle and slap each other's hands. And I taught them the Father Abraham song which they loved! Nana asked me to make posters of the house rules so I also did that today. Rule 1 is "No Hitting." People in Ghana hit each other all the time, even the adults! At school when a child is late or misbehaves they get caned. Some of the teachers even hit the children for getting an answer wrong in class. They hit the kids so hard that they scream and cry. All the other children laugh and don't get in trouble. I don't like it.
Tonight I had the children show Nana what I'd taught them. He liked it very much. He didn't compliment me or the kids though. I know he liked it because he asked me to pay to have a TV crew come out and tape the kids doing the songs and to pay to have it put on TV. Nana asks me to give him money nearly every day. It's a rather awkward.

The older kids play Scrabble almost every evening.

I brought toys for the kids thinking they wouldn't have many. But, they have an entire closet FULL of toys! They're stacked half way up the walls.

I GOT RICE! I was overjoyed to get familiar food! :)
The kids playing a clapping game
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